Academia Británica IH

Tu academia de idiomas


Academia Británica has been the Cambridge ES030 Examination Centre in Córdoba/Huelva since 1984. Certify your level of English with these internationally-recognized exams from Cambridge, the world leader in language accreditation in over 130 countries.

Cambridge English qualifications cover all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) so, whatever your goal, there’s an exam for you.

Cambridge qualifications are recognized by thousands of leading companies and organizations all around the world. They are well-trusted and rigorously-controlled and provide all the necessary guarantees to open the doors to your academic and professional development.

How the Cambridge exams suite corresponds to the CEFR scale

These exams are designed for children between 7 and 12 years old. They are attractive and fun and aim to reward students for their language-learning efforts. They are divided into three levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers

This is an elementary level qualification (A2) which demonstrate that the student can use English to communicate in simple situations. It certifies that they have made a good start to the process of learning English.

An elementary level qualification (A2) for beginners. Candidates demonstrate their knowledge of English in simple situations. Specially designed for schoolchildren.

This intermediate level qualification (B1) certifies that the student is able to use their English language skills to work, study and travel.

In this intermediate level qualification (B1), students demonstrate their linguistic skills in everyday situations. Specially designed for schoolchildren.

This upper intermediate level qualification (B2) demonstrates that the student can use everyday written and spoken English for work or educational purposes.

This upper-intermediate level qualification (B2) certifies that the student has an above-average knowledge of English, and has the language skills to live and work in a foreign country. Specially designed for older schoolchildren.

This advanced level qualification (C1) is accepted throughout the world in social, professional and higher education contexts.

This is the highest qualification (C2), which recognizes a full command of English close to that of an educated native speaker.

About 10 days before the exam you will be sent the Confirmation of Entry (COE). With the ID number and password that appear on it, you will be able to register and know your results and the date they are released.

See more


Score Measurement


Young learners

(Starters, Movers & Flyers)

ShieldsOne shield indicates that the candidate must improve in that area, while obtaining the maximum of 5 shields indicates that the majority of the answers have been correct.
KET, PET, FCE, CAE y CPEThe Cambridge English Scale

You can check all this information in your “Statement of results”. This document contains three types of information:
Score: this is the result obtained in the parts of the exam.
Grade, which depends on the score obtained.
Performance in each part of the exam based on a scale. More information in:

KET y KET for Schools
PET y PET for Schools
FCE y FCE for Schools

The certificates arrive approximately one month after the results are published. At that time we will inform you and you can pick up your certificate. Don’t forget to bring your ID or passport and if you want someone to pick it up for you, you must bring express authorization attaching a copy of your ID.

Candidates who are not in possession of their certificate and who need to provide evidence of their exam results to immigration authorities or other government departments, educational institutions or companies must refer their interlocutors to the Online Results Verification Service (in English).

They must provide you with two pieces of information:  

  • Your identification number (a sequence of nine letters and numbers);
  • Your secret number (a four-digit number).

These two details can be found in the admission confirmation (COE). This information is sent to candidates when they register for the exam. If a candidate loses their admission confirmation, they should contact

Cambridge English does not duplicate certificates under any circumstances. What it is possible to request is a “Certified Declaration of Result” of the exam, which has the same validity as the original certificate. To do this, it is necessary to complete the form that is available on the Cambridge English website.

More informationOnline application

Quality control and supervisions are fully guaranteed. The Examination Center is subject to periodic inspections and controls by Cambridge English, whose supervisors monitor and guarantee the seriousness, professionalism and effectiveness of the Center itself, as well as compliance with all regulations relating to the development of the exams.

If you still want to request a review of the exam, there are two steps to follow.

The first procedure that exists in Cambridge English is an administrative review, that is, it is checked that the information has been correctly transcribed from paper to the computer. This step costs €60 and is an essential requirement to carry out the second review.

In the event that there has been a transcription error, it will be corrected and the amount paid will be refunded.

If there is not one, you could carry out the second step in which the Writing is reviewed, the cost of which is:

€130 (A2 Key and B1 Preliminary) and €170 for the rest of the exams.  

To do this you have to:

Make a transfer to the Account. Cte. ES52 2100 8643 58 0200068693 stating the name and two surnames of the candidate.

  • Send an email to along with the following information:
  • DNI/Passport
  • Name and two surnames of the candidate (DNI)
  • Birthdate
  • Call and exam to which the review corresponds
  • Email in which you want to receive the response and telephone number Proof of payment made

Once we have the resolution from Cambridge English we will contact you to tell you the answer. If there had been any error in the correction, it would be rectified and the amount paid refunded.

Under no circumstances will the exam or its correction be seen. The response is only the final result of the correction made.

Cambridge English has a responsibility to candidates, exam centers and other stakeholders to ensure the integrity of our exams by putting in place robust measures to identify and address cases of candidate or exam center malpractice.

The Cambridge English Negligence Procedure Assessment deals with cases of suspected irregular conduct.

What are irregular behaviors?

Irregular conduct is any action that gives or is intended to give an unfair advantage to a candidate or causes a disadvantage to other candidates. The Notice to Candidates, displayed outside all exam rooms, warns candidates of the consequences of such actions. Cambridge English has rigorous procedures to detect cases of malpractice.

Examples of negligence:

  • Gain unauthorized access to exam material.
  • Use or attempt to use unauthorized material, for example, notes, notes, mobile phones, …
  • Copy or attempt to copy.
  • Failure to follow the instructions of a Venue Manager, Invigilator or Center Exams Manager, for example, use of mobile phones or other electronic devices.
  • Identity theft (impersonating another person).
  • Alter any results document, including certificates.
  • Any other form of deception or obtaining an unfair advantage